Professor Derk P. Bruynzeel was head of the Contact Dermatitis Clinic, Department of Dermatology Free University Medical Centre VUmc Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He has been treasurer and president of the European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD). On his and prof James Ferguson's initiative the working party "European Task Force on Photopatch Testing" - a cooperation between the European Society for Photodermatology and the ESCD - was formed. This working party reached a consensus on photopatch test methodology and initiated the European Multicentre Study on the frequency of Photoallergy to sunscreens and topical NSAID's.
He has been active in the field of contact dermatitis & occupational dermatology and phototherapy for over 20 years, with interests in patch testing in drug eruptions and photodermatoses. Main research fields, and publications, concerned contact dermatitis and occupational dermatology.
Professor Derk P. Bryunzeel will present his lecture "The present standard procedures in photopatch testing" during the Photoallergy Meeting (18 September 2009), and he also will serve as commenting member of Faculty during the Photopatch Test Course (19 September 2009).